Registration Form (Websites)

New User (Website)

For Adalte Travel platform owners wishing to add a new website to their online environment

Company Data


Login data

Only letters, numbers and the following characters are accepted - _ .

Website Data

Allowed file types: (ICO)

Size limit: 200 KB

Optional site icon to show in the title bar or in the favorites of your browser. If you change the icon you will need to clear your browser cache in order to see the changes

Allowed file types: (XML)

Size limit: 2048 KB

XML sitemap, available when loaded at, helps search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your site.
With a minimum of days in advance
To allow bookings on the same day, please leave zero.
To avoid last minute booking indicate the number of days before the service starts which have to be disabled in all website calendar.
Select when travel services have to be visible on the website
Display a disclaimer in each Property's details page for advising users that information and images are provided by third suppliers. Users are also invited to contact website for verifications.
Allow website customers to see the product code of each service managed by local providers not only when a service is added to a booking, but also on the search results page and on the service description page.
Select YES to show the Inquiries menu inside the Bookings menu of this website. Your customers will be able to send you inquiries and your Front Office users will be able to manage them.
Keywords are inserted into the code in order to help search engines to correctly categorize the site. We suggest to add short sentences separated by comma, with no space. Examples: uk dmc,travel London,london receptive services
If you want to use google tag manager tools for webmaster on your site then go to for more information and sign up for a key to paste here
If you want to use google analytics services and cookies policy then go to and sign up for a key to paste on this field.
You will need to sign up for a google maps key in order to visialize the maps on your site. Please note that you must use your site main url address like Please click the following link to generate your key
Add here the Facebook page Url to be displayed on website. Please add it as per the following example:
Add here the X (former Twitter) page Url to be displayed on website. Please add it as per the following example:
Add here the LinkedIn page Url to be displayed on website. Please add it as per the following example:
Instagram Page

Selling Data

You can enter several email addresses separated by a comma.
You can enter several email addresses separated by a comma.
You can enter several email addresses separated by a comma.